Since a few days we improving the living conditions of our pabos. For them and a few more we are building a mansion, more than a chicken coop. Out of bamboo, footing in concrete and and 1 foot up painted with old motor oil. The walls will be in tomorrow, then one day for a door and a windows, then some concrete slush on the floor for easier cleanup. It can be done guys, not that difficult. Just a little bit of work. Make sure that the door handles are high enough so that dogs cannot open the doors. I heard some neighbor has difficulties with his smart dogs that are always opening the Pabo door and letting the Pabos out, yes Hallelujah.

The roof has some cracks due to the drying of the bamboo. Will fix it if it creates a big issue during rain. Maybe also motor oil? But interesting bamboo concept. Nothing will last for ever.

The front will be cut straight. Dont worry too much.

To be continued.