Our Water Filtration System

A Few Days of Hard Work

Hey there, friends! 🌟 We’ve been diving into an exciting project lately—building our very own filtration system! It’s been a labor of love, filled with hauling sand and gravel, gluing PVC pipes, and installing valves. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve been up to:

We’re using three 200-liter drums for our filtration setup:

  1. First drum: Filled with both small and large gravel for the initial filtration.
  2. Second drum: This one’s our sand filter, packed with both coarse and fine sand to catch those finer particles.
  3. Third drum: The charcoal filter, where the magic happens!

And guess what’s on the agenda for tomorrow? We’re crushing charcoal and giving it a good wash to ensure it’s clean and ready for action!

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey! 💪✨